Moving with deep listening

On June 18th 2021, we gathered at the studio of Gomarduli, Georgia. 3 people sat down in triangle shape, and I sat down in the middle. Then I asked

“Please give me sounds that come out from your body.”

Putting my awareness in the ears, I heard the sounds of clock ticking, frog singing in the pond, people talking down stairs, insects buzzing…all sounds surrounding the studio.
The first sound that came out from inside of the triangle were exhales, human breath from Harriet who sat left diagonal back of me. I directly received that exhaling sound through the skin of my left upper back. And the body responded to the movement of my skin. Then Saya who was seated on my right tapped her fingers onto the floor. Again, the skin of my legs touching the floor felt the vibration, and it resinated onto the other parts of the body that moved. Sliding the foot on the floor, sighing, scratching…all very quiet, subtle sounds coming out from the bodies that surrounded me. Everything was received through my skin, and it made the body move. My whole body surface became an eardrum.

After my exploration, Harriet came to the middle. Following, reaching, and carrying, the sound came out from our bodies through her movement; it created a certain atmosphere that took us into the state of deep listening. Listening through our whole body.

At one point, we all started to move with delicate sound resonance. We sent our internal vibration out through echoing mouths, vibrating throats, and clicking tongues. We took neighboring vibration in to move through mirroring, shifting, and switching. Some people came in and out, 4 of us became 5 of us, 6, 7, then 5 again. All sounds inside of the studio were subtle and quiet, but dense. Sounds from outside of the studio were much louder, but sparse. These two sounding worlds were existing and marinating through our perceptions, transforming into deep listening dance as a group.

June 19. 2021
Written by Kiori Kawai

Gathering and sharing experience with
Harriet Roberts
Adam Koan
Saya Ikeda
Mathieu Chappuis
Anika Bieg


Dance at Zionskirche / Thomas, Kiori, Elaine's film - excerpt


Desert Improvisation Experiments